JAZ Info Series #4: Payment Processing Software

Today we’re talking about a new and exciting development in our industry: payments software. Typically when you hear payment processing you think of standard keypad terminals. These terminals are used at your most visited spots e.g. grocery stores, fast food locations, even the banks themselves. What’s intriguing is that these terminals are really just the beginning to some amazing technology. We liken these terminals to smartphones –  with every passing year, more innovation is coming to fruition. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at the robust features and insights allowing merchants to take their business to the next level.

Inventory Management

For business owners, having a clear picture of what products they have for sale along with their quantities can be make or break. With the latest payment processing software, you’re able to keep detailed catalogs of your inventory in real-time. You can automate what can be the most tedious task for your business, saving you both time and money.

Employee Coordination

A variety of businesses across the country have different levels of employees serving different roles. Custom permissions through the software enable owners to outline employee roles, their responsibilities, and dictate the control they have over the business’ POS solution. On top of this, the software will actually allow your employees to clock in-and-out all through one system. This makes it easy for merchants to track employee hours and even measure sales performance. As we’ve said several times throughout this series, knowledge is power, and with a smart system a merchant can get a full breakdown of costs and performance allowing them to make more informed business decisions.

Customer Insights

A key to success is understanding your customers and innovation in payment software has now made that easier than ever. You can track visits, spending, and products purchased all within customer profiles. With all this information at your disposal, your business will have the ability to drive sales through customer analytics. It allows businesses to get creative – you can build loyalty programs off spending information, drive repeat purchases by providing a custom offer based on spending, etc. But one thing is for sure, you’ll be able to provide more value for your customers and serve them better.

Real-time reporting

At the end of the day, no project can be successful without knowing how to measure performance. Payments softwares provides real-time sales data, costs, and detailed labor efficiency metrics. All of this reporting is available at your fingertips through your very own smartphone. More than ever before, you’ll have complete transparency into the true performance of your business allowing for more informed decisions on the fly. 

Service Businesses

Every business has different needs but service businesses in particular need custom made solutions to capture the nuances of their operations. Payment softwares come equipped with plenty of tools to best fit the specific needs of service businesses. Here are some of those features that are customized to fit your business:

Appointment scheduling

We’ve all heard the phrase “time equals money” at one point in our lives and with these smart softwares, specialized appointment scheduling features make sure that you’re able to service your customers in a timely manner. It provides you with your very own booking site where customers will be able to book off time with your staff. You’ll get full visibility into past and future appointments and will be able to send email/text notifications so no appointment goes unattended. 

Digital Invoicing

Regardless of how you collect your payments, processing softwares empowers you to easily issue digital invoices. This feature will allow your customers to pay right from the invoice page making payments easy to collect and track. Avoid chasing for payment and bill clients in a professional and easy manner.

Service Management

Every business operation has their own schedule. As a business owner, you have a pretty good sense of how long your services should take but obviously certain things can vary from day to day. Maybe it takes your business an hour to finish off an appointment, maybe a half hour. Regardless of how long it takes, you’ll always be able to customize the services to your business’ specific schedule. You can create variable or fixed length service times and even add time between and after to account for setup and cleanup. Automate tracking of your business daily and use these analytics to enhance your operation’s efficiency.

Staffing Administration

A main theme with these features is that everything is connected. Appointments can be booked off employee calendars which you’ve made available. Staff schedules can be adjusted to fit their hours and availability can be blocked off and made open at a moment’s notice. You can track employee timesheets as well and ensure there’s a clean, tidy booking system in place for your business.

JAZ Payments understands every business has its own way of operating. That’s exactly why we provide access to Talech Payment Software. Talech is a comprehensive payment processing software that provides all this functionality and can be customized to every single business. We don’t just want to provide the ability to process payments, we want to provide legitimate operational value to our customers. Our services enable you to better manage and grow your business. In our business, we don’t succeed unless you do. Grow and scale your business with JAZ’s software solution today!

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